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You want to have an experience as a teacher?

you have already an experience as a teacher?

You like kids?

You want to help underprivileged children?

You want to join a dynamic team?

Please join us!

We are looking for regular volunteer teacher for Mathematics and English class. You will teach 2 days a week, 2 hours each day, mostly for elementary school children. In one neighborhood, 2 teachers are teaching at the same time, the Mathematics teacher and the English teacher.


The teacher teach when he can and when the students are not at school. Before opening a class, we organize a first meeting with the teachers and all the kids, and we define together what are the 2 days of the week or the weekend the classes will be held.


Usually, in one neighborhood, we separate the Elementary school children in 2 groups, SD1,2&3 and SD4,5&6. 2 classes are taught at the same time:
- hour 1: Teacher 1 - SD1,2&3 English ------------ Teacher 2 - SD4,5&6 Mathematics
- hour 2: Teacher 2 - SD1,2&3 Mathematics ---- Teacher 1 - SD4,5&6 English.


readwritecount community teach straight in the poor neighborhood, trying to find local classrooms. It could be on a terrace in front of a house, in the balai RW, or even under a tree.


In each class, readwritecount community provide a white board and markers.


For each teacher, readwritecount community provide textbooks to prepare the lesson:
- for English teacher, books English SD1, English SD2, English SD4 and English SD5
- for Math teacher, boods Math SD1, Math SD2, Math SD4 and Math SD5
(the books for SD3 and SD6 are not provided because we considere that the kids in SD3 and SD6 still need to learn from the younger level, and the younger level won't be able to understand the lessons from SD3 and SD6).


TEACHER TRAINING, for unexperimented teachers:
It's important that the teacher always prepare the lesson he will teach. If the teacher doesn't prepare the lesson, he will hesitate, he will improvise, he will jump from a subject to another without any logic. Therefore, the kids will feel the lack of structure and will be more easily inattentive, they will easily play, talk, and even leave the class during the lesson to play outside. If the kids feel the lesson are slack, they will loose their motivation and not join the class anymore. Don't hesitate to use game in your lesson to entertain the kids.


If you are unexperimented, we provide you with a 2 hrs teacher training:
And we will accompany you for your first classes.


You are interested?


You want to try first?


We will organize a first meeting with you to share about this project.


And you receive the readwritecount community T-Shirt!

Please contact us!

March 2014
Ongoing teacher volunteers recruiting.

26 Dec 2013
Tiwi is our new manager in Jakarta.

Ready for a teaching experience?
We need you for English or Math classes, elementary level.
Jakarta Hidden Tour
Tiwi: +62 812 1395 8021 - info@readwritecount.net -